Wednesday, July 31, 2019

British Airways- Case Study Essay

The scenario upon which this paper is based relates to the British Airways Swipe Card Debacle case study from the textbook, Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspective Approach (Akin, Dunford, & Palmer, 2009). The purpose of this paper is to analyze and discuss the organizational change associated to the implementation of a new swipe card system that led to strike of over 250 British Airways check-in staff, losing 40 million pounds and negatively effecting the company’s reputation. Additionally, this paper will relate the case study to several change approaches (organizational development, sense-making, change management, contingency, and processual) and identify key issues. Additionally, this paper will examine the case study from my perspective, as if I were a hired change consultant for British Airways responsible for providing advise and recommendations on how to avoid this type of situation. Additionally, as a change consultant, I provide my recommendation as t o what possible change approach or combinations of a change approach would have been best to use for the swipe card change initiative. Change Perspective and Key Issues Prior to going into being able to effectively provide advise and recommendations on this case study, it is first important to discuss aspects of different change approaches. Additionally, relate key issues of the swipe card debacle to these change approaches. With that, this section paper will focus on identify specific aspects of the following change approaches and how these aspects relate to the case study: organizational development, sense-making, change management, contingency, and processual. Organizational Development Approach The organizational development change approach is a well thought through and thoroughly planned change approach that focuses on staff development. Additionally, one of the key aspects to the organizational development approach is the importance placed on the need to form groups and teams, which work together to form the key focus for change (Akin, Dunford, & Palmer, 2009). Unfortunately, this very important characteristic of organizational development approach was truly not used as part of the change approach for the swipe card implementation. For instance, if groups and  teams were created to form the key focus for the change, none of the 250 check-in staff were invited to participate. Sense-making Approach The sense-making approach is very similar to Kurt Lewin’s organizational change model. At a high-level, this model has three primary stages known as Unfreeze (identifying where the company is at, in relation to environmental change and organizational structure), Change (period of time where the change is being made), and Refreeze (change is complete and the organization has embedded the change within its culture) (Levasseur, 2001). However, there is one slight difference with the sense-making approach, in that the second stage is more the about rebalance where the organization balances the external environment with its internal environment. An example of a key issue associated to this from the case study is the fact that it appears those responsible for the Future Size and Shape recovery program, did not take the first stage into consideration. More specifically, the group did not factor in how the company was still recovering from environmental changes such as, 9/11, Iraqi wa r, and SARS. Additionally, did not consider if this was the right time for this type of change. Change Management Approach There are several different change management approaches but the one focused on within this paper is the change management approach Ten Commandments approach, developed by Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Barry A. Stein, and Todd D. Jick. In the book, The Challenges of Organizational Change, Kanter, Stein, and Jick elaborate on what they believe to be the necessary steps to effectively implement change within an organization. One of these steps, which is something that was not executed in the swipe card debacle, is the step to create a shared vision. While the Future Size and Shape project team may have had a shared vision of the swipe card change, this same vision was definitely not shared by the 250 check-in staff. Contingency Approach Similar to the change management approach, the contingency approach has many different variations. For instance, one of these approaches is categorized into the following four ideal types: commanding (change intervention, directed by leadership and is typically driven by the need to implement  quickly and abruptly), engineering (change agent, who also acts as an analyst implements the change along with those who designing the change to process and systems), teaching (third party consultants work with internal staff to assist with identify new ways of operation and is change intervention that is a long-term plan), and socializing (democratic approach that is a gradual change process approach) (Huy, 2001). Each of these approaches are acceptable but may not all work in every type of situation. For instance, within the British Airways case study, it seems as though the project team chose to utilize the commanding approach for the implementation of the swipe cards. The check-in staff w ere completely resistant to not only the swipe card change but were also resistant to the actual approach taken to implement that change. Processual Approach Similar to the sense-making approach, the processual approach also looks at the relationship of external and internal environments. However, with the processual approach, it focuses on the constraints and opportunities of both environments. Within the case study, the project team did not take into consideration how the external environment impacts the internal environment and how the internal environment also effects the staff. For instance, the staff being on edge and untrusting of change was a result situations and changes both internally (one forth reduction in staff) and externally (environmental jolts like inroads on its markets from budget competitors). The combination of these situations, led to the staff being fearful and overreacting to the possibility that the new swipe card process could lead to another reduction in staff. Change Consultant As a change consultant for British Airways, I would provide the following list of lessons learned from the swipe card debacle: lack in including those directly affected by change can lead to staff being uncomfortable and uncertain about a change; lack of taking internal and external environments into consideration is not fully understanding the cumulative effect that these have on the staff; taking a commanding approach to implement change can lead to staff disagreeing with the way a change is being managed; and lack of communication and gaining buy-in on change can led staff to believe that the change could have negative downstream impact. In order to prevent this in the future, I would advise them to take a different approach by having staff be more involved with projects and include them as part of the project teams. Additionally, allowing the staff time to absorb the fact that there will be changes in the future and giving them a platform to be able to ask questions. In addition to providing the staff a platform, leadership also needs to encourage the staff to ask questions and ensure them that there will not be any backlash for those who do have questions about the change. Lastly, as a change consultant, I would emphasis the importance viewing the organization from a birds-eye view (meaning that leadership the context of the situation from an internal and external perspective). If they would have stepped back and looked all the external and internal factors prior to implementing the swipe card change, they may have seen that implementing change over a holiday weekend might not be the best time, they might have iden tify staff moral being low due to internal reduction in force, and the fact that the company was struggling to recover from other external environmental jolts. While there are many change approaches that may be suitable for this type of change initiative, it is my opinion that the best approach for this change would have been to use the Ten Commandments change management process. The reason for this is that it would have resolved and possibly prevented the reaction that staff had towards the implementation of swipe card because this change approach includes creating a shared vision, involving staff, having the support of leadership and political sponsorship, and developing an implementation plan (Barry, Kanter, & Jick, 1992). Conclusion Based on the information provided in the case study about the swipe card debacle at British Airways and comparing key issues to various change approaches, it can be seen that there are many areas where management taken a different approach to the change. If a different approach was taken, it could have easily lead to a successful swipe card implementation versus the outcome that lead to the 250-check in staff, losing 40 million pounds and negatively effecting the company’s reputation. References Akin, G., Dunford, R., & Palmer, I. (2009). Managing organizational change: a multiple perspective approach (2nd. Ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Huy, Q. N. 2001. Time, temporal capability, and planned change. Academy of Management Review 26(4):601–23 Kanter, R. M., Stein, B. A., & Jick, T. D. (1992). The challenge of organizational change. New York, NY: Free Press. Levasseur, R. E. (2001). People Skills:Change Management Tools–Lewin’s Change Model. Interfaces, 31(4), 71.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Human Resource Development and Workers Commitment in Nigeria

INTRODUCTION The focus of this paper is to examine the role of human resource development and workers commitment in organization in particular and in Nigeria as a whole. For the purpose of this study, the concept of human resource development and manpower development will be used interchangeably. In any organization, it is the workforce who is considered important assets for the achievement of organizational goals. Every industry desires to maximize its human resources to see that the best output is achieved.Therefore, human resource development policies are closely associated to that aspect of human resource management that is concerned with investing in people and developing the organization’s human capital. Keep (1989) in his view say: one of the primary objectives of human resource management is the creation of condition whereby the latent potential of employees will be realized and their commitment to the causes of the organization secured.This latent potential is taken t o include, not only the capacity to acquire and utilize new skills and knowledge but also a hitherto untapped wealth of ideas about how the organization’s operations might be better ordered. The issue for employers goes beyond the need to upgrade the skills of the current workforce. It is also necessary to equip future entrants to the workforce with the requisite education which make them ‘trainable’ for emerging and constantly changing skills requirement.It is generally believed that if overall human conditions are to improve, there must be increasing emphasis on human resources development. Appropriately, such development provides for increase in productivity, enhance competitiveness and support economic growth. The importance of human resources development is obvious when one considered that in any economic activity, it is the human element that commands, direct, organizes, controls and maximizes. CONCEPTUAL CLARIFICATION Training and development remains a maj or component of human resource development.By definition, human resource (HR) is the manpower, employee or worker required by an organization; be it public or private to enable it achieves its predetermined objectives. That is, the purpose for which it is set up. It could mean the entire human resource (skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled) available within the country. Human resource development or otherwise manpower development is a continuous process of impacting new information, skills, attitude and ideas to employees dictated by the requirement of job change. It is a means of overcoming employee obsolescence through education and training.In other words, HR-development is a means by which employees are kept current on their official duties, this means in effect that it is the process of preparing the total quantitative and qualitative human asset in a nation or organization so that they can move with the nation or organizations as they develop, change and grow. Human resources d evelopment is a combination of training and education that ensure the continual improvement and growth of both the individual and the organization. Adam Smith stated that, â€Å"the capacities of individuals depended on their access to education†.In economic term, it could be describe as the accumulation of human capital and its effective investment in the development of a nation’s economy. In political term, manpower or HR development prepares people for adult participation in political process particularly as a citizen in democratic country. On the whole, HRD is the process of planning and controlling the way in which a person’s performance and potentials are developed by training and educational development programmes. WORKERS COMMITMENT A wide variety of definitions and measure of workers commitment exist.Beckeri, Randal, and Riegel (1995) defined the term in a three dimensions: 1. a strong desire to remain a member of a particular organization; 2. a willing ness to exert high levels of efforts on behalf of the organization; 3. a define belief in and acceptability of the values and goals of the organization. To Northcraft and Neale (1996), commitment is an attitude reflecting an employee's loyalty to the organization, and an ongoing process through which organization members express their concern for the organization and its continued success and well being.Organizational commitment is determined by a number of factors, including personal factors (e. g. , age, tenure in the organization, disposition, internal or external control attributions); organizational factors (job design and the leadership style of one's supervisor); non-organizational factors (availability of alternatives). All these things affect subsequent commitment (Nortcraft and Neale, 1996). Mowday, Porter, and Steer (1982) see commitment as attachment and loyalty. These authors describe three components of commitment: ? an identification with the goals and values of the o rganization ?A desire to belong to the organization. ?A willingness to display effort on behalf of the organization. A similar definition of commitment emphasizes the importance of behaviour in creating it. Salancik (1977) conceives commitment as a state of being in which an individual becomes bound by his actions and it is these actions that sustain his activities and involvement. From this definition, it can be inferred that three features of behavior are important in binding individuals to act: visibility of acts, the extent to which the outcomes are irrevocable; and the degree to which the person undertakes the action voluntarily.To Salancik therefore, commitment can be increased and harnessed to obtain support for the organizational ends and interests through such things as participation in decision-making. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND WORKERS COMMITMENT IN NIGERIA The most important strategy for productivity improvement is based on the fact that huma n productivity, both high and low is determined by the attitudes of all those who work in the enterprise. Thus, to improve labour commitment, it is necessary to change attitude towards positive drive.These changes develop positive attitudes and an organizational culture which will be favourable towards productivity improvement as well as technological changes. To improve productivity, it is therefore necessary to manage change; this means motivating, inducing and generating change. Ashton and Felstead (1995) regard the investment by an organisation in the skills of employees as a ‘litmus test’ for a change in the way they are manages. First, the replacement of the words ‘training cost’ with investment responses to the outcomes of HRD where the continuation of viewing training s a short-term cost has persistently acted as a powerful break of many training strategies. Having defined human resource development as the study and practice of increasing the learni ng capacity of individuals, groups, collectives, and organizations through the development and application of learning-based interventions for the purpose of optimizing human and organizational growth and effectiveness, it is indicated that formal training enhances employees’ organizational commitment. Sharma 1989 had also found a correlation between training and organizational commitment.Organizations that offer employees a relative high degree of development opportunities and internal career possibilities were also found to have opportunities has also been reported to have a positive effect on perceived rationalism of the employment relation, which is also said to have accounted for higher levels of commitment and job satisfaction. In organizations that offer training opportunities, employee commitment and citizenship behaviour are found to be higher than in organizations that do not offer the same.Studies has also shown that violation of perceived training obligations resu lt in reduced organizational commitment and increased intentions to leave the organization. Tannenbaum et al. (1991) found that naval recruits who participated in an 8-week training held higher levels of affective commitment than before the training. EQUITY THEORY The theory was propounded by Adam Staley John in 1963 and this theory calls for a fair balance to be struck between an employee’s input (hard work, skill level, tolerance, enthusiasm etc. ) and employee’s output (salary, benefits, recognition etc).According to the theory, finding this fair balance serves to ensure a strong and productive relationship achieved with the employee, with the overall result being contended, motivated employees. Adam’s Equity Theory acknowledges that subtle and variable factors affect an employee assessment and perception of their relationship with their work and their employer. The theory is built on the belief that employees become de-motivated, both in relation to their jo b and their employer if they feel as though their inputs are greater than the output.This theory also compares the input and output between different workers at different levels. Bringing this theory to the level of work commitment in Nigeria, it will be noted that workers are highly de-motivated because of the inequality between their various input and their output. For instance, comparing the input of a University Professor with that of a Senator and relating it to their output, this will highly de-motivate professor to work. And these are some of the problem affecting workers commitment in Nigeria.HUMAN CAPITAL THEORY Human Capital theory was proposed by Schultz (1961) and developed extensively by Becker (1964). According to the theory, it suggests that education or training raises the productivity of workers by imparting useful knowledge and skills, hence raising workers’ future income by increasing their lifetime earnings (Becker, 1994). It postulates that expenditure on training and education is costly, and should be considered an investment since it is undertaken with a view to increasing personal incomes.The human capital approach is often used to explain occupational wage differentials. Human capital can be viewed in general terms, such as the ability to read and write, or in specific terms, such as the acquisition of a particular skill with a limited industrial application. In his view, human capital is similar to â€Å"physical means of production†, e. g. , factories and machines: one can invest in human capital (via education, training, medical treatment) and one's outputs depend partly on the rate of return on the human capital one owns.Thus, human capital is a means of production, into which additional investment yields additional output. Human capital is substitutable, but not transferable like land, labor, or fixed capital. This suggest that for human resource development to be effective and for workers to be more committed to the organization, the organizations concerned need to be more involved in the training and re-training of its workforce. THE HUMAN CAPITAL MODELThe human capital model suggests that an individual's decision to invest in training is based upon an examination of the net present value of the costs and benefits of such an investment. Individuals are assumed to invest in training during an initial period and receive returns to the investment in subsequent periods. Workers pay for training by receiving a wage which is lower than what could be received elsewhere while being trained. Since training is thought to make workers more productive, workers collect the returns from their investment in later periods through higher marginal roducts and higher wages. Human capital models usually decompose training into specific training, which increases productivity in only one firm, and general training, which increases productivity in more than one firm. Purely general training is financed by workers, and the workers receive all of the returns to this training. In contrast, employees and employers will share in the costs and returns of specific training. Despite these differences between general and specific training, the model predicts that both forms of training lower the starting wage and increase wage growth.THE NIGERIAN CONTEXT Human resource development in Nigeria has come a long way, but the process of actual resource development has been very gradual. Nigerian attempt at human resources development in particular cannot be separated from the country’s post-colonial attempt at accelerated education and industrialization. In a broader sense, every post colonial government’s investment in education has been for the purpose of providing the manpower which the nation needs in it private and public sectors.This led to the establishment of three (3) Universities by the three regional governments of West, East, and the North (University of Ibadan which is the first) and the establishment of University of Lagos by the federal government all within the first decade of post independence Nigeria. As a result of the country’s quest for technological development, polytechnics and universities of technology as stream in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. Provision of universities and polytechnics education were meant to provide the national economy with the manpower it needs to develop and expand.The emphasis on formal and higher education as a basis of national human resource development was quite apparent in all the national development plans of post independence Nigeria. Gradually, the nation’s economic planners shifted attention to intervention in the areas of training and manpower development. In fairness to our earlier economic planners, Onasanya (2005) believes that â€Å"without education, there can be no training and without the two, there can be no development†.Government’s attempt at strengthening training and development in the national economy led to the establishment of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) in 1971; Administrative and Staff Training College of Nigeria (ASCON) in 1973; and Centre for Management Development (CMD) in 1976. The idea behind the three establishments is the provision of consultancy on training needs all enterprise, training higher level manpower staff, and conducting research into problems of manpower and administration in public and private sectors.Onasanya (2005) also believe government’s intervention as stated above must be appreciated in the Nigeria context because, â€Å"until recently, and probably until the intervention of the government (training was one of the ill-managed and haphazardly handled areas of modern enterprises. Training and development was seen as a waste of a workers labour hours (to his employer) and a way of denying the employer the service of the employee. The above analysis is not to take away the concerted effort in the public and private sectors towards training and human resource development.Public sector workers have many structured training programmes and many government have a ministry of establishment and training, as well as designated training centres. In the private sector, some notable sectors such as banking, telecommunications, and manufacturing industries are more proficient in training today than in the past. The efficiency of manpower training and new technology has helped these sectors in terms of better service delivery. But, are workers really committed in Nigeria?Workers’ commitment or otherwise in Nigeria is more than whether there human capacity is developed because there are many factors affecting workers motivation and commitment in Nigeria. The global economic meltdown has meant less security for workers in Nigeria and throughout the world. Even good workers do lose their jobs at these times, hence morale is generally low. Other factors such as culture, god-fatherism, ICT and other mod ern technologies have impacted negatively on workers morale and productivity in Nigeria. The gradual decimation of the power of labour unions have also not helped matter.TOOLS/METHOD FOR MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT IN ORGANIZATIONS The tools and methods for manpower development in organizations differs, and it is largely determined by the objectives of organizations, the idiosyncrasy of management staff or the chief executive, the organizational policy, as well as the organizational environment to mention a few. Thus, it is a common feature to see methods for manpower development varying from one organization to the other, just as a given organization can be tailored at adopting different methods at different times or a combination of techniques t the same time. However, some methods for manpower development are stated below: 1. Orientation: This method of manpower development could be said to be an integral part of the recruitment exercise in that once an employee has been found appointab le, it is expected that such an employee need to be positively oriented in line with the vision and aspiration of the organization for effective discharge of function. And since employee function in an organization is basically affected by his perception of the organization vis-a-vis the rules and principles that exist in the organization.It therefore follow that an employee undergoes formal and informal orientation in a place of work. While the formal orientation focuses on job specification and occupational demands placed on the employee, the informal orientation involve the social interaction that take place in the place of work which could either boost productivity or be detrimental to it (Koontz et al. 1980). Orientation therefore, as a method of manpower development is quite indispensable because it helps in boosting the productivity of workers which is needed for competing in the global market of the 21st century. . On the Job Method of Manpower Development: This method is ba sically different from the orientation method in that while orientation is at the point of entry into the organization or a new assignment; on the job method is a process through which knowledge and experience are acquired over a period of time either formally or informally. This process involve the following: (a)Coaching: This is a method of on the job training and development in which a young employee is attached to a senior employee with the purpose of acquiring knowledge and experience needed for the performance of tasks. Yalokwu, 2000). (b) Job Rotation: This method either involve the movement of an employee from one official assignment or department to the other, in order for the employee to be acquainted with the different aspects of the work process or through job enlargement – that is, given additional responsibility to an employee who has been uplifted as a result of the acquisition of additional skill or knowledge (Yalokwu, 2000; Lawal, 2006). (c) in House Training : This involve a formal method of on the job training n which skills and knowledge are acquired by employees through internally organized seminars and workshops geared toward updating the workers with new techniques or skills associated with the performance of their jobs. (Lawal, 2006). (d) In Service Training: These methods involve training outside the organization or workplace in higher institution of learning or vocational centres under the sponsorship of the organization or on terms that may be agreed upon between the organization and the worker (Lawal, 2006). 3.Committee/Work Group Method: This method entails manpower development through the involvement of employees in meetings, committees and work group discussion geared towards injecting inputs in form of decision making as regard solving organizational problem. This method is quite indispensable, especially in the aspect of training employees for managerial functions or heading organizational units. 4. Vestibule Training Met hod: This is a method of manpower development through the acquisition of skills in a related working environment (Nongo, 2005).Under this method the trainee practices his skill with identical equipment that he uses or he is expected to use in his actual place of work. This method is most suitable for sensitive operations where maximal perfection is expected. The purpose is therefore to enable perfection at work place. 5. Apprenticeship Method: This method of manpower development involve the acquisition of skill through extensive practice for over a period of time by the trainee. This type of manpower development device could either be formal or informal.In the informal environments the trainee is attached to the trainer, and he/she is expected to pay for an agreed period of apprenticeship (Nongo, 2005). In the formal environment on the other hand, an employee of an organization could be placed under apprenticeship in the organization with pay. THE RELEVANCE OF MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT I N NIGERIA 1. Economic Development: The relevance of manpower development in Nigeria could be situated vis-a-vis economic development. This is because manpower development captures the actual meaning of development in that it is people centered (World Bank 1991; Grawboski and Shields 1996).In addition, it involves the building of capacity and harnessing the State’s human resource which constitute a sine-qua-non for development. The above advantage was vividly conceptualized by Harbison (1973) when he stated that: Human resources constitute the ultimate basis for wealth of nations, capital and natural resources are passive factors of production; human beings are the active agents who accumulate capital, exploit natural resources, build social, economic and political organizations, and carry forward national development.Clearly a country which is unable to develop the skills and knowledge of its people and to utilize them effectively in the national economy will be unable to dev elop anything else. 2. Political Stability: There is no doubt that a country which fails to adequately develop her manpower would be doing so at the expense of her socio-economic and political stability.In the aspect of political stability, Omodia (2004) stressed the dysfunctional use of the nation’s human resource among the youths in propelling political instability when he stated that: †¦there has been situations in which the Nigerian youth especially, those of poor family background were used as tools for disrupting the political democratic system through rigging, thuggery and ethnic conflicts. These factors of rigging, thuggery in addition to economic mismanagement, personal ambition or selfishness among others, were the factors that terminated the First and Second Republic.Thus, manpower development could help the youths in the development of self and in improving the quality of their political participation. 3. Poverty Alleviation: It has been argued that effective poverty alleviation scheme must involve the development and utilization of local resource including human for solving local problems (Robb, 2000; Omodia, 2005). Thus, manpower development is central to solving the present problem of poverty in Nigeria. CHALLENGES FACING MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA 1.Colonial Experience: There have been several arguments regarding the distortions in manpower development of national growth in Nigeria as a result of colonialism which was fashioned towards economic exploitation (Ekpo, 1989; Ake, 2001; Dauda, 2003). It could be recalled that the advent of colonialism led to the integration of the Nigerian economy into the World Capitalist System thereby placing minimum premium on labour when compared to other factors of production. This poor performance of indigenous labour by the colonial government no doubt has persisted in the post-colonial Nigerian State.As a result, this problem account for the lack of adequate attention given to labour as a cr itical part of the production process in Nigeria. 2. Poor Political Leadership: Closely related to the problem of colonial experience as a problem of manpower development in Nigeria is poor political leadership which is further deepening the problem of manpower development in Nigeria. This factor has manifested itself in poor funding of education over the years (Baikie, 2002), disparity or class in manpower development between children of the rich and the poor (Omodia, 2006). 3.Poor Manpower Planning: This problem is associated with the poor data base that is needed for manpower planning in Nigeria both in the rural and urban centers. This problem no doubt constitutes a major hindrance on effective manpower development in Nigeria (Baikie, 2002; Oku 2003). 4. Poor Funding: Nigeria’s democracy has enhanced the practice of human resource development, determining the quota of expatriates it permits. Nigeria’s economy allows the importation of new technology to enhance huma n resource development, but training is still a bit slow, thus employment of expatriates to handle such is still encouraged.In Nigeria there is application of new management techniques and skills used in the running of organizations. All aimed at running cost effective system. 5. The socio-cultural diversity of Nigeria has influenced the human resource management practices in Nigeria. Nigeria is characterized by over reliance on culture, language, religion, gender and educational qualifications as a basis for determining who get employed and who need to be trained and re-trained. What this means is that, the opportunity for an average Nigeria to get employed is a factor of the aforementioned cases. CONCLUSIONThis paper have been able to situate or relate what could be referred to as manpower underdevelopment to socio-economic and political problems in Nigeria by looking at such factors as poverty, political instability and economic underdevelopment. From this background, it is there fore important to conclude that human resource development as a concept and method should be able to take its rightful place as a tool for development in Nigeria through the recognition of the fact that it is the most active and indispensable in the process of production even in the global age of the 21st century.RECOMMENDATION FOR EFFECTIVE MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA The options recommended for effective manpower development in Nigeria could be viewed from two basic perspectives: 1. The option of an enhanced regulatory capability on the part of government for effective reinforcement of manpower policies. This is quite indispensable based on the need to ensure quality manpower development irrespective of sex, class, ethnic affiliation to mention a few.This point could best be appreciated considering the liberal nature of most government policies which tend to snowball into elitist benefit in terms of policy outcome. 2. The need for government to be persuasive in making organiza tions embraces well designed policies at improving the development of manpower in Nigeria. This could be done both internally and externally. Internally, organizations should be made to see reasons why a careful manpower development plan should form part of their plans and objectives for the financial year.As a matter of fact, the success of organizations should not only be measured in terms of the magnitude of profit through the adoption of outdated personnel administration technique, but, basically on the contribution of the organization in enlarging the confidence of its workers through manpower development. The external factor involves the contribution of organization to the development of manpower through financial support meant to boost adult education, vocational education, and specialized research institutes to mention a few. REFERENCES Ake, C. (2001): Democracy and Development in Africa. Ibadan: Spectrum BooksLimited. Baikie, A. (2002): Recurrent Issues in Nigeria Education . Zaria: Tamaza Publishing Company. Becker, G. S. (1964): Human capital. New York: Columbia University Press. Dauda, S. (2003): The Crisis of Development in Africa: The Democratic Imperatives. J Dev Soc, Ekpo, A. H. (1989): Manpower Development in Nigeria. In: SC Ogbuagu (Ed. ): Strategy For National Development In Nigeria. Calabar: University of Calabar Press. FGN (1998): National Policy on Education. Lagos: Federal Government Press. Grabowski, R. , Shields, M. (1996): Development Economics. USA: Blackwell Publishers Incorporation.Harbison, F. (1973): Human Resources as the Wealth of Nations. 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Monday, July 29, 2019

Exposition universelle of 1889 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Exposition universelle of 1889 - Essay Example Nonetheless, the period had a significant effect on the natural sciences, education, and historiography. Also, this period is presumed to have complex and considerable impact on politics. It is associated with radicalism and liberalism and later on nationalism (Breckman 10). This paper will look at the Romantic era or Romanticism and compare a painting and a musical work. The Romantic era authenticates tough emotions as a genuine basis of aesthetic understanding, putting emphasis on emotions, for example, awe, horror and terror, and apprehension. This is especially that which is encountered in tackling the sublimity of wild nature and its charming features, both current aesthetic groups. This period progresses ancient custom and folk art to something gracious. Moreover, the Romantic era makes spontaneity an attractive feature and advocates for a natural performance of human beings activities as habituated by natural processes in the context of customary usage and language. The Ration al era reaches past the classicist and rational ultimate models to raise a revitalized element of art and narrative and medievalism presumed to be realistically medieval in an effort to get away from the boundaries of industrialism, urban sprawl, and population growth (Breckman 19). This period also tries to embrace the distant, unfamiliar, and exotic in forms more genuine than Rococochinoiserie, utilizing the power of the imagination to escape and to envision. Painting The Romantic era first appears in landscape painting, in the visual arts. One of the most prominent artists of the Roman era is the pioneer of The Hudson River School, Thomas Cole, from America (Powell 6). This school concentrates on developing landscapes of the United States continent in a pastoral location where human beings are perceived to be connected with their land. These artists appreciate the diversity and beauty of the American landscape as coming from God’s grace. Moreover, these artists’ wor ks establish a visual depiction of the thoughts of American transcendentalism. The painting of focus is The Course of Empire. This is a painting containing five pieces. This painting is one of the most recognized paintings of Thomas Cole. The Course of Empire shows the artist is trying to argue against religion that is not concurring with nature. The painting was developed between 1833 and 1836. The five sizeable paintings are a symbol of an unreal realm and its process from creation to destruction and revival. Thomas Cole illustrates the whole painting series because of the exclusive landscapes that act as the location and subject of each empire stage (Powell 13). The painting can also be presumed to be representing the five stages of civilization. This society builds to magnificence and then crumbles. The paintings highlight the Romantic worry that the progress of contemporary life is intruding on the peaceful life of the past and will end up weakening the structure of civilizatio n. The Savage State This is the first painting. It depicts the valley from the shore adjacent to the crag. It is a dawning stormy day with a dim light. There is a hunter dressed in skins, he is in a hurry, and he is hunting a deer. There are also canoes moving up river. On the shore, there is a fire surrounded by a cluster of wigwams (Powell 18). This is a visual reference of Native American living. The Arcadian In this painting, the sky is clear, and it is morning of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Origin of Modern American Capitalism and Society Assignment

The Origin of Modern American Capitalism and Society - Assignment Example The first section of the fourteenth amendment stated that all people born or resident in the United States are the citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. There shouldn’t be discrimination among the people because of any law. The state is neither allowed to restrict people to have autonomy, liberty or property nor are they to be denied the protection of the law. The fifteenth amendment main emphasize was on human rights. It claimed that any citizen will not be denied to vote because of their race, color or religion. It also claimed that Congress has the authority to subject this article by adequate legislation. Furthermore, the right to abolish slavery and give the citizens the equal right to protection was put forward and passed in later years. Moreover, after opposing from people, this amendment banned franchise restriction or race color and religion too. Reaction to these amendments was not very pleasing. The fourteenth amendment was bitterly rejected by Southern states, which were required to sign it in order to return their delegation to Congress. The fifteenth amendments also faced strong rebuff initially. However, Republican, under the influence of Ulysses S. Grant was convinced that the involvement of blacks is good for the party’s future. Frederick’s ‘frontier thesis’ proved eligible between 1870 and 1900 when families and individual moved to trans-Mississippi because they got the way to increase the family farming procedure as they got more place.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

QIM NOTES ON DESIGNATED LECTURE Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

QIM NOTES ON DESIGNATED LECTURE - Assignment Example During the talk, Dishman shows the audience his film of own kidney transplant, which according to doctors the he was not in a position have a transplant. With latest technological knowhow, it is a vital sign monitor, which can be of use for observations by employing smart phones to give ultrasound images. Through the aid of an online agent who can guide someone through a safe self-care with real time image processing. With the help of network devices, doing care anywhere will just need a team for interactions. He relays an instance when he was sick at a young age and admitted at a hospital. The longer he stayed in the hospital, the sicker he got like allergy (Dishman). Dishman experienced the team sport at Legacy Sam, 6 months ago. The model works by training how to do care at home and offloading clinics. Currently, he has a team in China who track and train seniors caring for themselves and community volunteers. Most of the medical problems emerge because of communication and coordination inadequacies among medical practitioners. Dishman gave an example of poor care coordination, when he was in graduate school undergoing kidney treatment whereby at some point doctors thought he had a heart problem. This was until one nurse noticed his appointment paper that had three prescriptions from different doctors having varying conditions but same drug as a remedy. He had overdose problem but not a heart problem as earlier diagnosed by varying medics cited (Dishman). This happens to millions of people elsewhere but according to Dishman, technology in health care through coordinated team sport presents an effective solution to these incidences. In 1948 during trials to invent TB drugs, healthcare conduct tests averagely but not individually whereby they generalize without knowing that a patient and his or her own population are different, hence ending up to guesswork. However, with the help of high performance

Friday, July 26, 2019

1995 Oklahoma City Bombing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

1995 Oklahoma City Bombing - Case Study Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that investigations into the attack led to the apprehension of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols as those responsible for the bombing. Initial suspicion wrongfully inclined to Middle Eastern terrorist organizations. However, it did not take long before the investigations narrowed down to McVeigh, who had been arrested soon after the detonation for violating traffic regulations, and his compatriot Nichols. Both of them once served in U.S. Army and were linked to radical militant Patriot movement. Before his release for the traffic violation, McVeigh was named and charged as a suspect. Nichols surrendered himself to the authorities shortly afterward. McVeigh was found guilty on 11 counts of murder, conspiracy and using a weapon of mass destruction. He was executed in 2001 becoming the first person since 1963 to be executed for a federal crime in the U.S. Nichols, on the other hand, avoided the death penalty and was convicted for unintentional m anslaughter and conspiracy. So what is the reason that inspired McVeigh to plant the bomb? This was a retribution attack that was a retaliation to Waco tragedy. On April 19, 1993, the confrontation between the FBI and the Branch Davidian cult in Waco, Texas ended in tragedy when fire engulfed the entire Davidian compound following FBI’s decision to gas the complex. 75 lives of the cult followers, including many young children, lost their lives in the unintentional tragedy. The death toll was staggering and many people laid their blame on the U.S. government.

Nursing Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nursing Education - Essay Example Individual teachers and nursing professional were the key players in the realization of the early modernization of the nursing in the country. Foundations from America set up medical facilities facilitating to the increase in the spread of nursing in the country. Chinese modern nursing edification saw an early start compared to the other countries. Politically the government of China faced a period of nursing halt after the abolishment of the practice. When the government that abolished the practice collapsed in 1977, the practice came back to normal but left a gap of 30 years deficit in practice and development of the nursing profession. Therefore, China’s nursing practice was significantly influenced by the political climate particularly the revolution. Ireland on the other hand was the last developed country to incorporate nursing into the university. The nightingale model of practice influenced nursing in Ireland. Since the profession was seen as subordinate to the needs o f the healthcare services. The prerequisite for development in the nursing education was acknowledged in a number of Irish administration policies. The decision to revolutionize the system in the country saw Irish nursing system come to parity with countries like U.S and New Zealand. However, the decision came because of profound factors of the political, economical, healthcare system and on the edification of the professionals who worked in the system. The reforms were called for due to the significant development in the country during the second half of the 20th century. Conversely, the countries entry into the European Economic Community forced more reforms into the nursing system in the country. The apprenticeship model was being faced out from the learning system. Government and Nursing Organizations Influencing Nursing Education in comparison to China and Poland Several organizations in the government provide assistance to the education modification process in China. These org anizations deal with the registration of the nursing population and edification of the nursing population. The Chinese department of health is the policy maker in the medical organizations. At present, the Chinese nursing association (CNA) is the main governing body in the nursing education of the country. Moreover, the national nursing licensure examination is one of the required credentials that one needs before one is declared a nurse. The Traditional Chinese medicine is incorporated in the Chinese system in order to find the basic professional practice in the system. Alternatively, Ireland has the health department that gives the guidelines on the running of the Irish healthcare system. Apart from the government involvement, Irish nursing system does not have many organizations for nursing. The ‘Bord Altranais’ is the Irish nursing board that determines the nursing profession’s continuity in the country. Current System of Nursing Education in comparison to Ch ina and Poland The current situation in education of Chinese nurses is a result of the recognized disparity in the education provision of the country and other developed nations. The government is focused on the upgrade of the countries education programmes to lift the condition of the countries education prospects. The current system lacks the maturity of the competence in the secondary nursing graduates to provide the adequate patient care. However, the

Thursday, July 25, 2019


AWKERMAN v TRI-COUNTY ORTHOPEDIC GROUP, P.C., - Essay Example However, during one of the Plaintiff’s stay in one of the homes, he dropped a toy on his toe thus sustaining another bone fracture. This time, suspicions of child abuse were completely abandoned as doctors ultimately alluded to the initial diagnosis. The Plaintiff was then returned to his mother. The Plaintiff together with his mother sued for damages because of the charges of child abuse. The doctors were in the first count were charged with malpractice for failing to properly diagnose the Plaintiff’s disease and breaching the duty of care he was owed. In count II, the doctors were charged with breaching an express and/or implied duty to conform to Shawns care to the applicable standard of practice. In count III, both requested damages for wrongful child abuse reports and for proposing Shawns removal from his maternal parent’s custody. In the second count, the defendant was granted summary judgment of the complaint. In the same count, the Orthopedic Group of doctors were also granted summary judgment and Count III. The same order also granted partial summary judgment to the Count I but only a portion of it; specifically the part claiming damages due to the filed child abuse

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

MSc in Construction Law and Dispute Resolution Essay

MSc in Construction Law and Dispute Resolution - Essay Example Recent years have registered a growing trend of alternative dispute-resolution methods, for instance, mediation, adjudication, conciliation, and various other hybrid arrangements1. This can be attributed to the drawbacks associated with arbitration and litigation, namely, the upsurge in costs, deferrals and hostile relationships between parties. Unfortunately, during the last decade superfluous and increasingly complicated stipulations were incorporated in construction contracts. In general, this involved the addition of numerous alternative dispute resolution methodologies and arbitration divided into redundant tiers2. These apparently more economic and swift alternative dispute resolution techniques only rendered the process more ineffective instead of the other way round. Mediation plays an integral role in determining the conditions of contracts. The exercise of Alternative Dispute Resolution has gained widespread prominence for working out differences in every sphere of life. Du ring recent years legal systems have increasingly adopted restorative justice practices3, this implies that Alternative dispute resolution is even employed for dealing with criminal cases. ... 2. Dispute Resolution Methods Dispute resolution method potentially ensues in the following three outcomes, namely, an agreement (negotiation), compromise (conciliation) or judgment (court or arbitration rulings). The mediation outcome falls under the agreement and cannot legally bind parties to abide by the mediation outcome unlike arbitration or court proceedings5. But to be an ideal solution, the agreement should meet the interests of all participant parties. 3. Categorization Of Mediation Outcome Arbitration comprises a ruling given by a neutral, mutually nominated arbitrator. However, mediation outcome can be classified as a contract6. By taking into account elements that validate a contract, we can notice that in a mediation outcome, the opposing parties exchange informed offers and acceptances in order to determine an outcome. Moreover, consideration and intention to enter into a legal relationship exists so it can be concluded that it is simply not a concurrence of offers and acceptances. Therefore, the mediation outcome meets the criteria of a contract and should not be confused for a judgment which is a legal determination imposed on parties regardless of their consent. 4. Discharging Mediation Outcome The creditor should normally expect a voluntary settlement as regards to the obligation as is the case in normal contracts. However, in the case where the debtor continues to defer the obligation, the outcome will vary according to the commencement of the mediation process. Normally, two hypothetical circumstances exist: 4.1 Parties choose Mediation over Litigation As mentioned before, a mediation outcome is simply a contract; hence, the creditor can utilize the same remedies as are available to a contractor.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Preparing for Terrorism and Disasters in the new age of Health Care Research Paper

Preparing for Terrorism and Disasters in the new age of Health Care - Research Paper Example imilar in their occurrences that pay no regard to national borders and, therefore, no country or community is immune from terrorism and disasters, not even the perpetrators of terrorism themselves. However, depending on the levels and type of preparedness of governments, communities and individuals, vulnerability to terrorism and disasters vary on a wide scale (UNGA, 2012). The most obvious consequences of terrorism and disasters are the setbacks impacted on economic and social development, disruption of water and electricity supply and the crippling of communications and transportation systems. Agreeably, some countries in the developed world are sufficiently prepared to recover from these disruptions, even though the costs in terms of time and finances are considerably high. However, terrorism and disasters also present constant threats to public health, especially among older adults with conditions and disabilities that call for extra assistance, those with chronic diseases and to families with children who have special needs. More importantly, the effects are of magnitudes that surpass the affected communities’ capability to manage with their own resources (UNGA, 2012). It is critical for authorities and communities to plan how they will respond to these vulnerable groups when stricken with terrorism or disasters. Among the preparedness measures is taking care of medication and equipment, notifying health professionals and moving to special shelters. This paper will research and discuss on the topic of preparing for terrorism and disasters in the new age of health care. The presence of threats to public health cannot be doubted, as is manifested in nuclear, natural, terrorist, biological, radiological and chemical incidents. Apart from the traditional causes of health problems which are mainly diseases, terrorist attacks and disasters compound the effects of the complexity of the threats. The impacts these events have on a nation’s well-being are more

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cases in Financial Management Essay Example for Free

Cases in Financial Management Essay Case Synopsis Founded in 1984 Laurentian Bakeries Inc. operates in the industry of manufacturing a vast variety of frozen baked products within their three operating plants in Montreal, Winnipeg and Toronto. The operating plants produce items such as frozen pizza in Winnipeg, MB, pies in Montreal, QC and Cakes in Toronto, ON- with each representing 30%, 30% and 40% of the total revenue stream respectively. The buyers for this company include large institutional clients such domino’s pizza, etc. which have a significantly higher level of power whereas the seller of the products consists of several food producers which have a relatively low level of power. With the cost of setting up a plant of this scale being high, substitute products will also remain high in the market causing the overall profit margin to be low. With the company’s ongoing effort for continuous improvement Danielle Knowles (VP of operations) proposed to expand one of the operating plants in Winnipeg-which was based on the opportunity if the company expanded into the U.S. market. Statement The statement of the problem is how Danielle Knowles will prepare a capital project expenditure proposal to expand the company’s frozen pizza plant in Winnipeg; which is consistent and in line with the company’s capital allocation policy. The proposal should also satisfy the company’s continuous effort for improvement, identification of lost opportunities, satisfaction of HR and environmental impacts and provide sufficient ROI. Situational Analysis The strengths of the company are clearly visible through the company’s effective operations and reputable image in the industry. Being one of the top five in the industry, Laurentian Bakeries has established themselves as a dominant player in the market; however, with a shortage in capacity it can  potentially overpower the strengths due to its negative impact on the company. This includes a decrease in sales and potential decreases in retailer support. Nevertheless, with the acknowledgement of a capacity shortage and an opportunity to expand and grow in the U.S. market the company seems to be in good standing. Moving aside to a different area amongst the competition, all the products are similar which indicate there is heavy competition. The presence of numerous suppliers makes this industry highly competitive, as a result, there is high aggression amongst competitors. This is a leading factor that indicates this is not an attractive business to be in. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths * Danielle Knowles has experience in the food industry for 13 years. This is a great benefit for the company, because she is able to use her knowledge and experience and apply it for Laurentian Bakeries in order to improve operations or even avoid errors. This in return can potentially save the company from incurring additional expenses. * Danielle has her Master’s in Business Administration which indicates that she is educated and has the credentials to maintain her position as the VP of operations. Also, Danielle is able to use that knowledge and apply it to everyday operations of the company. * Laurentian has above average consideration for human resource and environmental impacts. This benefits the company to the extent that it creates a public awareness which shows their commitment to the community which in return can potentially be used as a marketing tool to attract more sales. * Laurentian company is one of the five large firms that produce frozen foods dominating 21% of the market. This indicates that they are a dominant player in the market and have survived many difficulties from various competitions. * Well established and profitable company which indicates that they have survived one full economic cycle and have withstood their competition. * The company has a diversified revenue stream with three operating plants located in major cities which are not as risky as a single revenue stream. * All three segments are profitable. * Low cost pizza producer which is helping to expand into the US. Market. * Laurentian Bakeries has an integrated workforce such as sales, marketing, etc. for all of their operating plants. Weakness * Shortage of capacity. If this weakness is not dealt with the company can face losses in their sales because of the shortage. This in return lowers the overall profit of the company and can potentially decrease buyers if they cannot meet the demand due to the shortage. * Class 1 products are too risky and by taking such a great risk any wrong doing can have a negative impact on the company. Opportunities * Arrangement to supply large U.S. based grocery chain with private label brand. If the opportunity is taken to its advantage the company can potentially see higher figures in sales and profits. * Since U.S. pizza consumption is 3x bigger than the Canadian segment the overall US market is bigger which can potentially lead to a higher market share. * Within N.A. the economy is recovering modestly and is expected to grow. This indicates that consumer spending on discretionary items such as food products will remain strong. Threats * Inflation is forecasted to remain between 3-5%. This may cause interest rates to rise causing the cost of capital to increase higher than its current level. Capital projects such as expansion may suffer. * North American growth rate of gross domestic product slowed down which may lower the company sales. * Threat of new entrants will increase competition and is always a factor that makes the sales aggressive. * Health Conscious consumers will potentially affect sales due to the products offered by Laurentian Bakeries are considered â€Å"unhealthy.† With on-going health awareness the products offered by Laurentian Bakeries might not meet the changing demand of consumers. Porter’s Five Forces Buyer’s Power * Mixed Power. * There are two types of buyers: large institutional buyers such as  domino’s pizza pizza pizza as well as large retailers. Thousands of smaller clients have less power because of their current low clientele base. Supplier Power * Low Power. * Pizza suppliers distribute production to pizza stores, restaurants and grocery chain stores. Since there are numerous suppliers in the market for ingredients such as cheese, flour, vegetables, etc. they have low power. Barriers to Entrant * High * Due to high capital costs, skilled workforces, environmental regulations, high distribution channels, entry into this industry is high. Threat of Substitute * High * The products offered by Laurentian such as their Pizza can be made at home or even purchased fresh from fast food restaurants. Also they can easily be substituted for other products such as calzone, sandwiches, tacos, etc. Competition * High * There is high competition for the items offered by Laurentian Bakers. Competition for their pizza baked items can easily be substituted through franchised restaurants such as Pizza Pizza, Boston Pizza, Pizza Hut, etc. also competition is high through other companies offering the same goods. In addition, this company is also competing against other food products rather than frozen pizza alone. Financial Analysis Financial Summary: Laurentian Bakeries is seeing a cash increase from $6.2 million in 1993 to almost double its value of $13.1 million in 1995. At the same time long term debt for the company has increased by $7.23 million which indicated that Laurentian Bakeries is funded by its long term debt and has not utilized its cash and therefore has incurred additional interest expenses. Moving over to the sales figures, Laurentian Bakeries has seen an increase of 11% from 1993-95; however, net income is flat which indicates that their COGS and operating expenses have also risen almost at the same pace as sales. This setback has no advantage to the shareholders. Alternatives 1. Continue original plans to continue expansion in Winnipeg. 2. Build a plant in U.S. to cater to that market. 3. Buy an existing plant. 4. Expand the Toronto plant as it is the strongest plant for the company. Recommendations By carefully analyzing all the alternatives, we recommend alternative one as the best fit solution to this company due to it being most practical at the company’s current situation. We strongly believe that continuing original plans to expand in Winnipeg is the beneficial solution for the company as they already produce the same type of products and have the additional land to carry forward the expansion, because this plant is a low cost producer and is ideal to utilize the U.S private label sector. In addition, this alternative is beneficial because it is consistent with the company’s overall objectives. Given the discount rate of 18% and a $5.2 million capital investment the NPV of the expected cash flow is positive. Moreover, recommendation one is the best suited for this company because: * There is land readily available in Winnipeg. This can save the company some money in terms of the expansion because these will incur less of an expense due to Laurentian owning the extra land space. * Building a plant in U.S. will require a lot of capital, additional expenses for hiring, training, etc., and potential change in production, management or other techniques due to different regulations in U.S. * Expanding in Toronto will also require additional capital and additional time to hire and train the workforce to produce the pizza products which aren’t produced in the Toronto facility.

System Thinking Approach to Problem Solution

System Thinking Approach to Problem Solution Introduction System thinking is an important component in the climate system, and plays a key role in diagnosing the organisation by using different methodologies .System thinking is an approach for looking at problems from many angles, looking at the whole problem rather than parts (Jackson 2008). In this assignment the writer will explore A problem issue and use the appropriate methodology to solve the problem. Problem Situation Arab National Bank (ANB), a Saudi Joint Stock Company, is one of the top ten banks in the Middle East. Since its inception in mid- 1979, ANB has operated through its 143 local branches, 21 Womens sections and one branch in London, UK since 1991. Arab Bank offers a full range of domestic and international commercial and Islamic products and services to the retail and corporate sectors. The bank also offers consultancy and investment, mutual funds and assets management, local and international equity trading, foreign exchange and treasury services. They are several principal activities, for example, firstly, retail banking such as deposit, credit and investment products for individuals. Secondly , corporate banking such as loans , deposits and other credit products for corporate, institutional customers, small to medium sized businesses and the Banks London branch. Finally, treasury banking: manages the banks trading and investment portfolios and the banks funding and liquidity, currency, and commission risk. The banks staff currently has 3, 532 employees, of which 90 % are Saudi Citizens (ANB). The bank previously achieved significant profits in the absence of real competition and lack of banks and the Public Pension Agency transfers salaries of retirees through ANB, but recently the bank has faced several major problems such as increased staff turnover. Many qualified employees who have several responsibilities in their departments have resigned and gone to other banks. ANB is facing real challenges, particularly the emergence of new competitors with the emergence of new banks after Saudi Arabia joined the World Trade Organization. The new banks such as Al Belad and Al Jazerah are attractive to experienced and skilled employees, because they offer high salaries and a good environment. Also, skilled employees in ANB are working under stressful circumstances; they are working for long hours without motivation. When skilled and knowledgeable employees leave Arab Bank, it is not easy to find alternative employees. This has had a bad effect on ANBs success and growth. Metaphor The essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another (Lackoff and Johnson, 1980, p 5). For this study metaphors are used to explore and investigate the subsurface of our problem situation. Metaphors are considered as lenses to expose our worldview and creative thinking. They can be used to understand how different organisations work and how managers can transform their way working and recognise the hidden problems in organisations. Morgan (1997) pointed out that the metaphors in his writing are a good example of how to use metaphor in organisations. According to Mutch (2006, p19) The material on the use of metaphor in organizational analysis suggests a number of approaches. There has been considerable interest in exploring the literary devices that might be used, going beyond the use of metaphor to explore, Morgan (1986) mentions eight metaphors while Jackson (2003) added from Alvesson and Deetz (1996) a ninth one, as follows: Brain: information processing system and efficiency in solving problem. Flux and transformation: wisdom, attractors, chaos and complexity Culture: Society, values, beliefs, laws, ideology, diversity and history Political system: rights, power, hidden agendas, leaders and conflict management Psychic prison: unconscious processes and workaholics Instrument of domination: discrimination , compliance and charisma Carnivals: minimise order and support creativity. Organism: organizations dealing with their environments, structures and improvement. Machine: efficiency, timeliness, and quality Is recognised as a technical appearance that has several (often standardised) parts each with a definite function. Much emphasis is placed on the efficiency of the parts. The machine operates in a routine and repetitive fashion and performs predetermined sets of activites, seeking the rational and efficient means of reaching preset goals and objectives (Flood and Jackson, 1991, p 8). To explore the above stated problem situation, the writer decided to use the organism metaphor as a dominant metaphor and machine metaphor as a dependent metaphor. Organism is relevant because Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has joined the World Trade Organisation. The writer chose these for two reasons; first, the long history for ANB as a profit company (organization structure); second efficiency of production activities in a machine constituted of interlocking parts (organization efficiency). Thus ANB needs adaptations to a new environment .The organization exist in a competitive global environment where there is strong competition for investment, markets and skilled employees. ANB is a profit company and needs to be flexible and to keep eyes on the market because it needs to maintain market share to achieve its targets. On the other hand, is the system of work in ANB is routine, and like a machine, for example tellers and customer services. System of System Methodologies (SOSM) A Complex system is a complicated system that has a large number of subsystems to be operated, and many interactions between the elements. A simple system is a system with clear system with a small number of subsystems to be operated. The operation in the Bank is based on a complicated system with a large numbers of subsystems such as many complex computing and information systems, frequently updated data and financial operations. Employees from the practical and support sides both have diverse views and interests but have the same career expectations (unitary) at ANB. In the writers opinion, this means the problem situation in the ANB is complex unitary situation that involves real world performance as illustrated below, a modified version. Jackson and Keys (1984) suggest that choice of an appropriate system methodology depends on the nature of the problem context. They introduced a matrix, later modified by Jackson to help in classifying contexts. According to system complexity an d participants (see figure A1) . Participants: Participants are individuals who participate to achieve common goals, share the same interests or takes part in something. According to Flood and Jackson ( 1991) participants are divided into three groups : First ; unitary ,they share the common interests , have highly compatible values and beliefs , and large agreement upon ends and means. They all participate in decision making. Secondly, Pluralist; they have basic compatibility of interests and their values and beliefs disagree to some extent .They do not necessarily agree upon ends and means but they participate in decision making .They proceed in accordance with decided objectives. Finally, Coercive; they do not share common interests .Their values and beliefs are likely to conflict .They do not agree upon ends and means. Paradigms: The word paradigm is now commonly used to refer to something like world view or way of seeing things (Jackson, 2008, p 37). According to Jackson and Gregory (2008), therefore are four types of paradigm: The functionalist paradigm: promotes efficiency, effectiveness, survival and adaptation. Related with this paradigm are the machine , organism , brain , and flux and transformational metaphors . The interpretive paradigm: helps managers to search for the degree of shared corporate culture in the organization, increasing commitment and superiority in work life. The culture and political metaphors are related to this paradigm. The emancipator paradigm: pays attention to discrimination based on class, sex, race, and disability. Related to this paradigm are the psychic prison and instruments of domination metaphors. The postmodern paradigm: takes a less serious view of organization, believes it is too difficult to understand using any other paradigm, emphasises having fun in the organizations, and that one can learn much by bringing conflict to the organization surface. The metaphor of the carnival is associated with this paradigm. So I can be seen from these paradigms that the ANB paradigm is functionalist. Having looked at metaphors, system, participants and paradigms, it can be suggested that organism is a dominate and machine the dependant metaphor, organization paradigm is functionalist and the content is complex and unitary. Because the issue as a complex one and as the participants are unitary, it could be said that VSM is the most effective methodology to deal with this issue because this methodology is characterised as complex-unitary. It is also approach for a situation where the participants are functionalist, whishing to promote efficiency, effectiveness and adaptation. Therefore, it is applicable to proceed to the Viable System Methodology (VSM). Application of Viable System Methodology (VSM) The VSM is used in the process of viable systems diagnosis. The VSM offers solutions to problems of complexity; it remains weak in dealing with pluralism, conflict and coercion. This weakness stems from the organism and brain metaphors it employs and the functionalist paradigm it is usually associated with (Jackson and Gregory, 2008, p 49). According to Flood and Jackson (1991), The VSM is an arrangement of five functional elements (systems 1-5) that are interconnected through a complex of information and control loops. VSM help self organisation and localised management of problems. Also emphasis is placed on the relationship between the viable unit and the environment. As mentioned above, the model is made up of five systems 1 5 which may be categorized as implementation, co-ordination, control, development and policy. To diagnose problems in VSM it is important that the functions handled by these five systems be effectively performed in all organisations (Jackson and Gregory, 2008). The VSM is shown in the diagram figure B1, with the relevant elements of ANB indicated. According to Jackson and Gregory (2008):- System 1 has parts directly connected with implementation, and absorbs much of the environmental variety. In the diagram we can see that the departments are connected with the managers and environment. However, it is clear that there is no co-ordination function with system 2. Also there is no clear feedback to top management, so this is considered to be problem. Under normal circumstances compatible instruction from higher management should ensure that various parts of system 1 act in harmony (Jackson and Gregory, 2008). Actually the function in system 1 tries to act in its own best interests but has only local information to go on . System 2 is an essential system because, given their self-rule, the parts of system 1 is liable to take uncoordinated decisions. There is no co-ordination in the organisation and system 2 is vacant. System 3, called the audit channel, gives direct access to the circumstances of relationships in the operations. This control position is should be the CEO. It is clear that there is lack of communication between system 1 and 2 with system 3. The responsibility for this matter lies with system 4 for passing a co-ordinated plan down the line to system 1 and giving the negative feedback to CEO. System 4 is a development function of the organisation and has two tasks. The first task is it switches the orders down to the lower level, then switch responses upwards. The second task is to capture for the organisation all related information about the environment. This is totally neglected in the ANB and there is no connection between the executive committee (Intelligence) and long term environment and there is a weak contact and competition between the short term environment and other departments. There is a lack of information about the external environment or statistics of client satisfaction of ANB does not examine the strong competition between the organisation and others and is not aware of the threats and attractiveness of competitors in the absence of motivation in the organisation. Thus there is no benefit from system 4. System 5 is responsible for policy and making decisions. In the organisation the internal demands are represented by the commitment of autonomic management but external demands are not represented by system 4 and not taken into account because there is no link between system 4 and the environment. After diagnosing the problem in VSM, now this problem will be solved by redesigning the problem using the same basic diagram in figure B2. Board of management policy As shown in the diagram (figure B2), in system 1 the departments perform better because the co-ordination function in system 2 is set, Therefore it is performed effectively and the manager of every department keeps in touch with the co-ordination in system 2 . System 2 as a co-ordination function gives the feedback to system 3, then system 3 accesses the information and feeds back to system 4. System 4 now has a link with the environment to capture for the organisation all relevant information about other organisations and transmit the information to other departments. This will supplying the department of human resources in system 1 with the information and resources to motivate staff and retain them in their work to achieve the goals of the organisation. Recommendations There are a number of important changes which need to be made and so are some recommendation are listed below:- Redesign the reward system to be equivalent to the competitors. Use motivation and recognition system to keep employees loyalty to the organisation Set up a process of evaluation to improve the organisation staff. Criticism When VSM is used to diagnose a problem and concentrate on some levels, sometimes, It leads to lack of information on particular individual assistance to achieve the goals for each level. VSM cares about some features of the organization. However Flood and Jackson (1991) point out that VSM neglects the purposeful role of individuals, such as organizational culture, shared responsibility. VSM does not deal with organizational culture because the statistics will not be an accurate reflection of the true status of the organization, so feedback on performance will be disingenuine (Tepe and Haslett, 2002, p 520). This methodology is difficult to apply to diagnose in depth the responsibilities of each level. There may be goals, but they are not fixed and they can take account of the environment (Flood and Jackson, 1991, p 110). Conclusion This essay has argued that VSM is a suitable approach to solve ANBs problem. An implication of this is the possibility that VSM is able to deal with complex situations, even though it neglects some aspects. The VSM revealed that the problem was a weak contact between executive committee and the external environment, and there was no co-ordination , then, necessary changes were identified .These include motivation and keeping in touch with the external environment. Considerably more work will need to be done to determine other aspects of the problem. For example SSM could be better to solve turnover problems. This methodology can be used to develop targeted interventions aimed at diagnosing problem in the organisation.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

ODS TS Forecast

ODS TS Forecast Abstract: Cloud computing share resources and then provide services to end users over host based demand services. Scheduling tasks based on different job allocation with different services is the complex representation in distributed cloud service environment. By satisfying clients requirements in distributing services to different assessment with different attributes. Traditionally propose Grouped Tasks Scheduling (GTS) to schedule distributed tasks based on different type of categories in selective data resource utilization. This approach distribute services based on user preference, task preference, amount of data shared, time of sharing and latency of data sharing into available services in distributed environment. GTS is only applicable to describe services to different clients present in distributed environment, if we increase number of attributes with dependent tasks based on classification of tasks in real time distributed data sharing. So in this paper, we propose to develop Optimized Data Sharing Task Scheduling (ODSTS) approach (algorithm) to serve services to different users based on available services with different attributes. It also provides work load assessment in data scheduling to registered users present in distributed environment. Our experimental results give efficient data services to registered users based on virtual machine placement services to manage low CPU processing time and memory utilizations in real time data sharing in distributed cloud storage environment. Index Terms: Distributed Environment, Virtual machine Placement algorithm, Multiplexing devices, Data Virtualization, Virtual Machine. I.INTRODUCTION In comparatively radical virtualization based by the number fogs, applications reveal the between the lines gear by ceaselessly in free-wheeling Virtual Machines (VMs). Each VM, as its late creation, is masterminded by the greater part of an unquestionable measure of preparing dark ink thing, (for solid delineation, CPU, memory and I/O). An answer coal and ice for accomplish economies from move inside a decide cloud is advantage provisioning, which submits assigning capital however VMs to am a standard with their workload. Every now and again, productive provisioning exists accomplish through two running: (1) rap on knuckle advantage provisioning. VMs exist obliged with compact known term too later participated in sacred marriage onto an attack of unremarkable servers. Figure 1: Virtual machine placement readings in cloud environment setup. As shown in above figure, virtual machine assessment to perform distributed services in latest data sharing operations. VM assessing raise the rough approximation of the differentiation of dark ink thing that behind exists dole out through a VM. Their objective from VM reflection exists through support that VM conveyed weight to tolerate up on exists close commonly their workload. Spell over-provisioning waste substantial fluid, under-provisioning corrupt civil argument execution too may get the most noticeably awful of it client. Typically, VM assess exist exchange wrong onto a VM-by-VM law of niggardliness, i.e., independently VM have a proposed mass mindful amid its workload arrange. Inside an explanatory scorn from a notable a particular VM build system, we champion an intersection VM provisioning worry into which unmistakable VMs are participated in blessed marriage and provisioned centered far and wide a book audit from their everything move require. Hypothetically, joint-VM pr ovisioning endeavor sane multiplexing in the midst of their establishment VM encourage standard, based on their vigilance with operations of VM in provisioning services in distributed environment. The unused dark ink thing of a could hear a stick drop utilized VM, slice back prior being figure out how to their behind co-set VMs at their arms use. Afterward, VM multiplexing possibly event fascinating charges practical contrast by the entire of individual-VM based provisioning. The secret weapon gathering accomplish through multiplexing exist authoritative by hanging by string VMs all their superiorly thickly confronting gear fluid lacking disavow request execution obligation. Spell this build their boss combine length, their on top of everything virtualization settled expenses join with arrangement compose from positive postal division from VMs is for the nearby yet no stogie part useless the power of the VM foot molded impressions craftsmanship an extra into their provisioned outski rt. Administer decide impel to a given level shape sorting out home office while organizations with data relevance exists being risen excessively fundamental embodiment duplicate in IT division. Based on virtual machine resource utilization, it achieves randomly generated resources like CPU, memory with extensible adapt representations in clients requests with their ability to use the resources on physical machine readings. Various operations present in single physical machine clients use their services with feasible operations present in distributed environment. Figure 2: Group scheduling task assessment in distributed environment with service availability based on attributes. A by odds and ends Analytical matters into Cloud preparing being provisioning conduct for distribute capital through leave in the shade customers. Distributed processing involves resource provisioning allocating stream evaluation to out sourced cloud. Based on reservation instance and on demand instance, in reservation instance requested services with realistic assertion in on demand instances with feasible reservation in out sourced data in distributed cloud environment. Inside On-intrigue settle their client can pick up however dark ink thing their need. Inside booking settle their income could being bolster past. Later their exceed providers could require the income once purchasers could utilize it. Inside on-intrigue survey exist exchange on the wrong track being pay-for separately use recommendation all the same inside booking status assess exist imprisoned through previous cost. With booking plan client could consider their sort out trade stream out an around less priceless ave rage than on-intrigue assertion Despite their case that commonly their booking go to a comprehension the exceed buyer could utilize the capital inside expressions and science a couple issues could occur by the entire of it. Single exist their underneath provisioning read into which their customer couldnt around gather their checked in punched in fluid everything being equivalent from instability too dispense advantage. Elective read with booking mentality exists amid provisioning from capital, to what put their hold advantage being more prominent than what beyond any doubt thing need. Later their advantage grasp custom exists from one end to the next utilize. Their aim being recovered too embodiment reaction from provisioning advantage which is their for all intents and purposes keen image to autonomous ascertains. To fulfill onto consummate pro, the expensively, sticker price, unmoving foretell and property up augur instability exist expected through habituate their tradeoffs encom passed by on-intrigue excessively oversubscribed installment. II. RELATED WORK The GTS calculation utilizes gathered undertakings display in enhanced cost-based calculation to apply Quality of Service (QOS) show in TS calculation and after that utilizations Min-Min calculation to timetable errands inside each gathering. The principle thought of GTS calculation is to separation all errands into classifications/classes in light of its properties. The traits of assignments are utilized as clarified in TS calculation. Every class will have assignments with comparable qualities. These classifications will be requested to plan in light of weights that are given to characteristics of assignments in TS calculation. For this situation the classes are subject to the planning, while assignments are most certainly not. The initially booked class will have assignments with high estimation of qualities/high need than different classes. At that point in the picked class the undertaking with least execution time will be planned first. The contribution of GTS calculation is number of autonomous assignments n and number of administrations m. Each assignment has four qualities: 1. TUserType (UT): demonstrates the sort of clients (class A, class B, whats more, class C). 2. TpriorExp(PT): demonstrates the normal planned need of assignments (dire, high, medium, and low need). 3. TL: characterizes the length or heap of assignments (typical, long). 4. LT: demonstrates the dormancy of errands. GTS calculation has five classes: 1. CUrgentUserTask: incorporates undertakings with client have a place with class An and expected booked need of undertaking is pressing. 2. CUrgentUser: incorporates undertakings with client having a place with class A. 3. CUrgentTask: incorporates undertakings with expected booked need of undertaking is critical. 4. CLongTask: incorporates long undertakings. 5. CNormalTask: incorporates every single residual assignment. Algorithm 1: Implementation procedure to do processing tasks in distributed environment. The order of priority of the five categories is CUrgentUser Task, CUrgentUser, CUrgentTask, CLongTask and CNormalTask; so if CUrgentUserTask category has tasks then these tasks should be scheduled first before tasks inside CUrgentUser category and so on. MCT matrix (Initialized minimum competition time) is the matrix that stores the estimation of expected completion time of all tasks on all services. MCT matrix has number of rows is equal to the number of tasks (n), number of columns is equal to the number of services (m) and MCT (i, j) is time that service j needs to execute task i. MCT matrix is initialized with random numbers, but should be taken into consideration whether the type of task is long or normal. Because if the task is long, the range of random time in MCT matrix MCT (i, j) needs to be higher than the range of time is if the task is normal. The mapping list matrix is a matrix that saves the number of tasks, the number of assigned services to these tasks and execution time that the services need to execute these tasks. Mapping list matrix is considered the output of the algorithm. It is used to calculate performance metrics that are needed to evaluate the algorithm. III. BACKGROUND WORK Joint-VM provisioning procedure creates from an additional tangible premonition onto their VM advantage push inside ardent server holding. It exists capable full that their applications encased through VMs and by its own inclination the VMs themselves let feline out of pack time shifting resource achievement cases commonly impacts from charge periods, intermixed commonly low-utilize locale. Furthermore, our guess on a broad workmanship an assistant from VMs shows that heap VMs, at some future timetually in the related server flat, uncover achievement cases by the entire of contradictory, unaligned assignments from these peaks excessively valleys. In this approach, in the meantime an oblige coordinator that works wherever single based VM resource with operations in services in resource utilization, a joint-VM philosophy can possibly devour their multiplexing midway their advantage cases from heap VMs to climb on the planet an amassed charge measure particularly simply dump by their gathering peak direct. To consider their potential move save stores with multiplexing in VM encourage masterminding to undertaking gat to one feet, we shake the before examination to a huge dataset assembled from an attack of occupation server ranches. Figure 3: Task based scheduling to optimize the services based on user availability. The data resource utilization 16854 VMs that go ahead on 1425 under the sun has, directed being a few exchange union encouraging managers excessively used through more figure customers. Their data consolidates outlines from every one client use all the resources in CPU memory utilization based on satisfactory resources. All the retribution in without any end in sight stays of this what one is into is engaged far and wide this dataset. For each of a notable has, welcome the stallion and surrey day outline, we measure up to the any of VM oblige needs mid using the walk to an alternate drummer and the unified provisioning. In both CPU and memory inspires with reasonable resource utilization. In resource utilization cloud providers provide service into virtual machine placement operations in joint VM based utilization in distributed resource provisioning, it contain 3 modules. These three modules include: (1) Maintain constrained resource utilization (2) Maintain Joint -VM resources with multiplexing in reliable operations; and (3) a virtual machine individual full goal and reason estimation that perceives all over however the yelling VM solidifications for over combined and provisioned. Underneath, we found in the mind eye how these three modules achieve sequential sharing in distributed computing. III. SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION In this section, we present to propose and develop scheduling task with different attribute selection in task allocation to different users. ODSTS projects model into resource provisioning based on joint VM into presented client operations in total response utilization. Influenced by this past field, we laid it at stake the ODSTS standpoint in this free of cost which achieves untold changes. At first, the read is summed up confronting the various numerous a moon specifying. Second, the extraordinary strategies to justify the demeanor of enlisting resource provisioning are considered. At inhale, the death penalty appraisal is come to on the wrong track to carry on various coherent circumstances. Figure 4: Proposed approach cloud resource provisioning based on client requests with service availability. An exceed provider gave a pink slip attempt the supporter two provisioning plans, i.e., national timberland as well as on-intrigue game plans. For masterminding, the overshadowing delegate considers the reservation go to an understanding as medium-to look for pot of gold pull organizing, for the state must be subscribed in the past of originate before and the course of action gave a pink slip out and to operations in resource provisioning service utilization in operations. Curiously, the examiner considers the on-intrigue settle as quickly term orchestrating, being the on-intrigue game plan can be gotten regardless of when for passing augur of time (e.g., an outstanding week) when different tasks running at a time different server provisioning in distributed environment. IV. EXPERIMENTAL EVALATION In this share, the stochastic programming by the entire from multistage bill of concoct a tempest is appeared as the widely appealing dialect of the ODSTS figuring. To am a local off by the any of, the as an issue of decision embodiment of stochastic entire number programming request of the day while decided. At that answer, their definition is slope the Deterministic Equivalent Definition (DED) which gave a pink slip be grasped by legitimate progression solver programming. ODSTS Integer Implementing System to Resource Provisioning: General idea behind stochastic entire number long column to cultivator of the ODSTS figuring. The goal a route with (5) is to cut the overshadowing clients everybody resource provisioning as for organizations. Decision variable xr (ij) k approach with registered resource provisioning operations in services progression with all the reference sources . Figuratively speaking, this postal district suggests as the average total of spared advantage. In this manner, the originate before to win the span of it of the ODSTS fore cast can being reduced. The mentality of the ODSTS estimation by handling integer programming application framework analysis in real time data out sourcing in distributed cloud resource provisioning. Two stages frame work organized as provisioning stage, processing stage in resource utilization with well operations in distributed computing. Figure 5: Experimental evaluation w.r.t internal, external services based on multiplexing operations in resource provisioning. We grasp that the diminish specialist is finish up an expert for provisioning fluid as the wrap up of year. Under an excessively high price and riches shakiness, their obscuration pro plays out the general public reservation of fluid in the enthusiastically organize for used as a sort of thing of the accompanying flawless year which is the breath arrange. Figure 6: Define task latency with respect resource utilization based on service availability. Based on service availability of data with data sharing procedure with reservation and on-demand instances to visualize following analysis shown in figure 6. Figure 6 shows the application procedure to produce tasks in real time data storage in service availability with latency in number of tasks scheduling in real time distributed environment to manage equivalent group tasks with different attributes. However reservation instance for long term relational assurance in data sharing between virtualization in resource provisioning. Right now organize the figure and wealth are viewed. At that am a matter of, the level of spared fluid are used and a few on top of everything connect of fluid boot be provisioned in an on-intrigue outline. Likewise, additional fluid gave a pink slip be provisioned by getting on-intrigue courses of action if the held resources cant make out the dependable request. By analyzing above considerations effectively in real time data sharing between client using via virtual machine placement operations in real time cloud data sharing with scalability to implemented cloud applications effectively. V. SUMMERY In this paper we propose and develop (ODSTS) fore cast however acquirement fluid offered being various leave in the shade providers. The individual to admire game plan got from ODSTS is gotten by outline and comprehending stochastic finish number programming by the entire of multistage reaction. We have beside introduced Benders disintegrate strategy to cut an ODSTS am a wellspring of into swap issues which gave a pink slip being clarified parallel. In addition, we have associated the SAA act for taking endowment of the ODSTS express by the majority of a far reaching apply of circumstances. The SAA technique cut back satisfactorily being normal exemplification plan at some future timetually the convey estimate from colossally enormous. Their death penalty evaluation from their ODSTS standpoint has been performed through numerical reviews excessively proliferations. From their signs, their estimation gave a pink slip preferably accommodate the tradeoff between protect of dark ink thin g and fate of on-intrigue benefits. Their ODSTS estimation boot being used being advantage provisioning apparatus from their creating detached figuring mother and pop store in which the direct opposite can firmly save the provisioning time with less resources. 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